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About Me...

My name is Jonathan De La Flor and I was demonized most of life (a lot of which I was unaware). Tormented by sleep paralysis, demonic visions, horrid smells, and dark thoughts, I thought I was going crazy. Maybe you can relate. 

By the age of 18, I was addicted to pills, in-and-out of institutions, and on a path to hell. I had to try something new to save my life. Anything. God was my only hope. I called local pastors and told them about the demonic visions and dreams. But they could not help me. They said that my problems were too big for them they had never dealt with what i was going through. Through a miraculous sign, The Lord lead me to a small ministry who focused and specialized in deliverance. 


After much prayer for deliverance and inner healing, I found full freedom over drugs, demons and hopelessness. Since then, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has empowered me to travel the world, preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations. I founded More Than Conquerors . Life to help people who were just like me find freedom and live an abundant and victorious life paid for by the blood of Jesus. 

There is power in the Name of Jesus. Though I am young I've seen darkness flee, the sick supernaturally healed, and the Fire of the Holy Spirit moving in full force in my life. That same FREEDOM is available to you, too!

If you are struggling, oppressed, can't escape sin, witchcraft, unforgiveness, lust, hopelessness, suicide, or more, please reach out me! Today is your day to get free. Click on the "Deliverance" tab to schedule an appointment!


~ Your Friend, Jonathan De La Flor

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