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Drop off the dead weight!

7 days ago

1 min read




The Lord has given me a vision of someone carrying a backpack but it the backpack was many stones. I hear the Lord say get rid of the dead weight this season. The Lord says many of my children have been carrying unnecessary weights and burdens that are not there's to carry. The Lord says get rid of it you can run faster without it! I believe this word has two meanings. For some there are certain burdens you may be carrying like stress, worry, fear of future etc. God says that's not yours to carry anymore hand it over for my arm is out for you to place it in my hand says the Lord. I believe the other meaning of this vision is that many may have certain things that are preventing you from running full speed. maybe its your work schedule maybe its your job in general. maybe your priorities are not fully aligned with the Will of god in this moment. I hear the Lord say run to win! (1 Corinthians 9:24) It is my will to lighten your load to run without weariness but I need you to be willing to let go says the Lord winning the race is your portion. I believe God is calling us as the body of Christ in a whole to enter a time of "self evaluation" Ask holy spirit to reveal anything that may be keeping you from running full speed. Ask yourself what dead weight do i need to drop off?

7 days ago

1 min read





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